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Apply for Humanitarian Coordination Training delivered by RedR

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

In the last two years, the region of Central Europe has seen two major

humanitarian crises – Covid 19 and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Civil society

organisations had to increase their capacities in both numbers and expertise.

Therefore, we offer this training to increase the professional expertise of

humanitarian responders in Slovakia to enable them to participate in coordination

during major emergencies effectively. We joined forces with a leading international humanitarian response agency that selects, trains and deploys technical specialists – RedR.

Date and venue

9th December, 9:30 – 16:30

Loft Hotel, Bratislava

Training will increase your awareness of the following:

  • The purpose, concepts, and benefits of coordination in humanitarian response

  • Key actors and structures involved in coordination and their role

  • Relevant coordination mechanisms at the global, regional, national, and sub-national level

  • Common challenges to coordination and how to overcome them

  • Key products and tools used in coordination mechanisms (3Ws; appeals; sectoral standards and briefings)

  • How to use programme presence and funding tools to ensure non-duplication and effective use of financial resources to reach people in need

  • How to engage with coordination mechanisms and contribute to the effectiveness of the humanitarian response

  • How technical jargon can be a barrier to effective coordination

  • How every individual and organisation can take action to improve coordination

All participants will gain an Hpass badge and a certificate of participation issued by Hekima, RedR and the Weiser Centre at the University of Michigan.

Who can apply

Eligible to apply are all NGO representatives who want to increase their capacities in

humanitarian coordination. Advanced English language skills are required. We also welcome

more participants coming from the same organisation

How to apply

The deadline for applying is Friday, December 2, 2022, CEST 23:59. Complete and submit your application here . Any questions should be sent to The

participants will be selected on first come – first served basis.


Participants will receive the training at no charge.

About RedR

RedR UK is an international learning provider with 40 years’ experience. The organisation

trains thousands of aid workers each year, delivering world-class, in-person and distance learning programmes in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and more recently Ukrainian, Polish and Romanian. Its experience makes the organisation a leader in adult learning in the humanitarian sector. Their Humanitarian Training Competency Framework provides a tool to improve the standard of capacity-building in the sector. RedR is also an HPASS accredited organisation which means it has demonstrated through an independent quality revieweir learning and assessment procedures meet the HPass Quality Standards.

Trainer bio

Martin Fisher, RedR UK Associate Trainer

A British national, for the best part of twenty years, Martin has been working with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and UN OCHA in the field of emergency response and preparedness, planning, humanitarian financing and access, predominantly in Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East.

Throughout his career Martin has been involved in learning in a range of subjects and contexts. Martin holds MA in International Studies, UK. RedR UK’s Associate Trainer since 2012.  Martin is based in Budapest and has just returned from a six-month mission with OCHA in Dnipro, Ukraine where he worked as humanitarian affairs and CMCoordination officer with Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian  Affairs (UN OCHA). One of the projects he worked on with UN OCHA in Dnipro and Kharkiv was on how the international humanitarians better engage with volunteer and community-based organisations that are recognised as doing much of the frontline assistance to communities. RedR UK’s Associate Trainer since 2012.

This training is organised with the financial support of the Weiser Centre at the University of Michigan.

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