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Poslaním našej organizácie je vytváranie rovnejšej a spravodlivejšej spoločnosti, pričom osobitný dôraz kladieme na posilňovanie postavenia mladých žien, ich sociálnu a ekonomickú inklúziu.

Chceme prispievať k riešeniu rodovo-špecifických problémov v spoločnosti, s mladými ženami v centre týchto zmien. Preto meníme ich podiel v kľúčových pozíciách spojených s rozhodovaním, rozvojom verejného života a podnikaním. Našim cieľom nie je len zlepšovanie zručností, ale hĺbkový posun vo vnímaní úlohy mladých žien pri formovaní spoločnosti a verejného života. 

Programy navrhujeme tak, aby vytvárali dominový efekt pozitívnych zmien. 

O nás

Hekima is a Slovak NGO committed to gender equality, youth empowerment, community resilience, social entrepreneurship and economic inclusion. Our name comes from the Swahili word for 'wisdom' or 'knowledge'. It symbolizes our desire to empower and engage women, girls, and young people, and other marginalized/underutilized/underrepresented voices in society.


We started in 2019 with the sincere belief that Slovakia has much to be proud of as a country and society. We also began with a deep conviction that the world can benefit from the expertise and experience of Slovak leaders— particularly women and young changemakers— in solving challenges that affect us all.


Hekima continues to grow as a catalyst for social change through collaboration and partnerships on a local, regional, and international level. We work with development agencies, institutional funders, and leaders in government and business to create opportunities for learning, knowledge sharing, and network building that generate sustainable solutions.


Posilňujeme postavenie mladých žien v spoločnosti tak, aby mohli vytvárať lepšiu budúcnosť pre seba aj pre ostatných. 

Inovujeme formálne vzdelávanie a prinášame hodnoty inklúzie a diverzity na 180 stredných škôl po celom Slovensku.

Prispievame k rozvoju krajín globálneho Juhu prostredníctvom sociálnej a ekonomickej inklúzie žien. 

V spolupráci s University of Michigan, vzdelávame a rozvíjame talenty lídrov a líderiek občianskej spoločnosti zo strednej a východnej Európy. 

Our partners

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Hekima team

Ivana Uličná


Ivana studied International Relations and Criminology at the University of Huddersfield in the United Kingdom. She has gained extensive experience in the field of development cooperation and education by leading projects in Slovakia, Kenya, the Balkans and Moldova. She has focused on empowering women, developing young people's entrepreneurial and career skills, active citizenship and consolidating democratic values through education. Ivana leads Hekima, using her experience in building communities, developing women-focused projects and caring for strategic partnerships.

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Miroslava Lišková

Project Manager

Miroslava studied Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership and Organisation at universities in Denmark and Sweden. She acquired knowledge in business, sociology, and pedagogy, and also explored tools for solving grand societal challenges such as globalisation, climate change, inclusion and diversity, and urban governance. She worked in a startup for five years, where she was in charge of growth, creative processes, and organisational development. In Hekima, she manages the Development Education project and the project aimed at the inclusion of women in entrepreneurship in North Macedonia.

Martina Hrivňáková

Project Coordinator

Martina studied Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Denmark and Ethical Leadership at university in Prague. She then went on to work with youth in South Africa for three years, where she also participated in organising TEDx events. She was drawn back home by the desire to also support positive changes in Slovakia. She uses her creativity and organizational skills as a project coordinator and graphic designer and is mainly devoted to the Boundless project.


Hekima, o.z.
Donnerova 35
841 04 Bratislava

Identification number: 52354181
Bank: Fio banka
Account number: 2401817651
IBAN: SK6683300000002401817651


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The organisation is registered in the Register of non-profit organisations of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic under the registration number VVS/1-900/90-56391.

General data protection regulation Copyright © 2022 Hekima, o.z.

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